If you know how much we like naming our meals & how much I like to try & get my name in all my puns.... then this meals name will come as no surprise. It was originally going to be called Mel-alonni. But as it was orginally inspired by a recipe in the Tony Ferguson cookbook, I thought Tony should get a mention too.
It's really like making spinach & ricotta cannelloni - except you use eggplant in place of pasta. I use one big eggplant & cut it into strips & bake them in the oven until they are soft. I never bother with salting eggplant before use.
In a bowl I mix one bag of thawed frozen spinach & a 500g tub of cottage cheese. Then, I spoon it onto the strips of eggplant & roll them up.
I like to cook some mushrooms in a pan & then pour them over the top, before adding the tomato sauce (see: All Goodfellas deserve good tomato sauce). Cover with lots of delicious cheese (tasty, parmesan, whatever) & bake until it bubbles and the cheese looks too good to resist any longer.