Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mmmm, mushrooms & brie

Roasting field mushrooms is a great idea for dinner - but sometimes they can go a bit tough in the oven. Jonathan's latest method is to do them in a pan with a glass lid on. That way they get fried in their own juices and retain their moisture.
I think these ones were done in the oven, to get the brie nice & melty. I've mentioned before how much I like roasted broccolini - although it too can go a bit dry in the oven.
A way around this is to put cherry tomatoes on the broccolini - give the tomatoes a squeeze before doing so. This way the juice can escape and keep the greens moist.
Just in case you think I lie around drinking vodka cocktails while Jonathan does all the hard work, I grew those little cherry tomatoes in pots on our balcony this summer. Amazing what one can achieve with a trowel in one hand & vodka cocktail in the other!

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