Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cheesy yummy goodness

If you have someone in your life (Jonathan) who doesn't like frittata because it's 'too eggy' then trick them into eating it by making little mini ones!
First I cooked mushrooms, onions and capsicum in a pan. Then, I made a mixture of eggs & milk with cottage cheese, spinach & tasty cheese. After spooning a bit of the mushroom mix into teach part of the muffin tray, I then tipped the fritatta mix over. Finally I put some feta on top & cooked them for about 20 mins until they looked done.
Once out of the oven I put some chopped corinader on the top & they were ready to go - & so yummy. Next time I would probably use something like parmesan to give them more of a bite, but as you can tell by the bottle in the background I cover most my food with chilli sauce, so that made up for it.

1 comment:

Greer and KC said...

Cheese is always a winner